A Message from our Founder

I hope you’re all healthy and well and having some success adjusting to whatever your “new normal” may be. Like many of you may be, I’ve been observing how corporate boards are managing (or mismanaging) this crisis and considering how women influence how boards ask for and analyze relevant data, make decisions, and behave under stressful circumstances. In this time, it’s important to reflect on how we, as CEO’s and executives, board directors, and senior-level executive women, might all continue to advance board opportunities in the wake of Covid-19. I hope you find the following material useful for that analysis.

- Sheila Ronning

VIP Member Spotlight

“Within my first year of membership, I was connected to Kaiser Aluminum, a public company with over 2 Billion in revenue. They had two upcoming board seats that would be vacant and reached out to WIB to help find the right people. The coaching I received from Sheila Ronning helped me to be well-prepared for the board interviews I landed for Kaiser Aluminum. I am thrilled to say that within the following 18 months, I was elected by the Board of Directors to fill one of the vacant spots. And now, today, I am in the running for an additional board seat that I learned of through Women In The Boardroom’s notifications. I highly recommend the WIB VIP Membership to any executive woman preparing or looking for a public company corporate board seat."

Teresa M. Sebastian

President & CEO,

The Dominion Asset Group

Advancing Boardroom 

Opportunities for

Women in Wake of Crisis

by Sheila Ronning for Newsmax

As the COVID-19 pandemic has grown in severity over the past few months and weeks, I have no doubt that, like everyone, you’ve had to rearrange your life in some manner or another to adjust to a “new normal.”

And like many, you may be observing how corporate boards are managing (or mismanaging) this crisis and think about how women might influence how boards are asking for and analyzing relevant data, making decisions, and behaving under stressful circumstances.

Our latest board opening notification is for a Public Robotics Company.

Check your inbox for details!

Upcoming Webinar

Date: May, 21

Topic: Governance & Workplace Issues

Our panel of experts will discuss how board members can exercise effective oversight of potential workplace issues: their prevention, identification, and – when necessary – the appropriate response. The program will also include how the company’s culture – another important concern of boards – may be related to workplace issues.

We are an organization built on referrals & we want to say thank you to the following WIBff for sharing the benefits of VIP Membership with senior-level executive women! Cathy Schmidt

Want to connect us to a woman looking to serve on a corporate board? Cc Sheila Ronning on an email introduction to them.

We're celebrating!

Check out our impressive track record from the last 3 years!

  • Women in the Boardroom members received 115 corporate board seat opening notifications from us in the last 3 years!
  • 67% of our corporate board seat opening notifications were for public companies in the last 3 years!
  • 1282! That’s the number of times we’ve connected our qualified members for board openings in the last 3 years!
  • An impressive 24% of our members who applied were elected to the board of directors in the last 3 years!

Anyone ready for a reboot?

For a limited time, and for anyone who signs up for a Women in the Boardroom membership, we will add an additional 3 months to your annual membership at no cost. This offer is available to new and renewing members!